Online C compiler C tutorials
Compiler for C:
The source code is written in a simple English text
which readable for humans. It is nee to compile into machine language which can understand the system the user wants to say. So need to compile source code into machine language need a compiler. Many compilers are available for every operating system.
which readable for humans. It is nee to compile into machine language which can understand the system the user wants to say. So need to compile source code into machine language need a compiler. Many compilers are available for every operating system.
Windows Operating System-
In the windows operating system, many free compilers are available. Free compilers are Dev C++, Sublime Text, Code Blocks, Turbo c, etc. Turbo C is the oldest compiler, it was a popular compiler at that time. Now some keyword, not support in Turbo C. The latest platform for learning C Dev C++ is best for beginner, this platform interface very easy to use. This software installation processes the same as other software in windows.
If you are using Linux or UNIX then you can install GCC on your system.
You want to install it on your PC then use follow command lines-
$ gcc -v
Otherwise, you have GNU compiler on your machine then you print follow this massage-
Using built-in space.
Target: 1386-reahat-lunix
Configured with:../configure—prefix=/user…….
Thread model:posix
gcc version 4.1.220080704(RedHat4.1.2-46)
Mac os:
If you are MAC OS user, then you an easy way to obtain GCC is to download the X code development environment from the apple website and follow the simple installation instruction once you get from the X code setup. You will be able to use the GNU compiler for C or C++.
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